Learn about our workflow

We take care of your projects with proven agile methods that are designed to get all stakeholders (even non-technical ones) in alignment. Our workflow amplifies collaboration and faster turnarounds to achieve even the most ambitious goals.

Our process

At Proxels, our agile development process transforms ideas into reality efficiently, with iterative progress and products that evolve alongside your needs.


Collaborative insights shaping success

Discovery & Idea Generation

Collaborative workshops to understand goals & audience.

In-depth market research & competitor analysis.

Brainstorming sessions for creative ideas.

At the inception of every project, we engage in collaborative workshops, diving deep into our client's objectives and understanding their target audience. Extensive market research and competitor analysis help us identify unique opportunities. Through cross-functional brainstorming sessions, we generate innovative ideas and lay the groundwork for the product's success.


Vision to detail, shaping possibilities

Requirements Gathering

In-depth discussions with stakeholders for detailed requirements.

User stories, wireframes & mockups for visualization.

Meticulous documentation for clear scope.

Armed with a clear vision from the discovery phase, we conduct in-depth discussions with stakeholders to gather comprehensive project requirements. Utilizing user stories, wireframes, and mockups, we collaboratively visualize the product's features and functionalities. Our technical experts ensure meticulous documentation, leaving no aspect of the project undefined.


Visualizing excellence, evolving with you

Design & Prototyping

Visually appealing designs for great UX.

Iterative prototyping for feedback.

Seamless branding integration.

Our talented design team brings the product to life with visually appealing and user-centric designs. We emphasize a seamless user experience (UX) that aligns with the client's brand identity. Through iterative prototyping, we validate design concepts, gathering valuable feedback for continuous improvement.


Agile creation, milestones in progress

Development & Iteration

Agile development for incremental progress.

Continuous integration for collaboration.

Regular client reviews for alignment.

Our development process follows agile principles, breaking down the project into manageable sprints. This enables us to implement features incrementally, resulting in a faster time-to-market. Continuous integration and version control ensure smooth collaboration among the development team. Regular client reviews and feedback loops keep us aligned with client expectations throughout the development journey.


Pinnacle performance, fortified security

Quality Assurance & Testing

Comprehensive testing for performance.

Security audits for data protection.

Quality is the cornerstone of our development process. We conduct rigorous testing across various devices, browsers, and operating systems to ensure consistent performance. Performance testing optimizes loading times and responsiveness, enhancing user satisfaction. Additionally, we conduct meticulous security audits and vulnerability assessments to safeguard sensitive data.


From launch to longevity, we stand by you

Delivery & Support

Smooth deployment and launch.

Ongoing support and maintenance.

Proactive monitoring for performance.

As we reach the culmination of the project, we handle the deployment process with precision, ensuring a smooth product launch. Our commitment to client success extends beyond delivery, as we offer ongoing support and maintenance to address any post-launch requirements. Proactive monitoring and regular updates guarantee the product's optimal performance and longevity.

Empowering businesses with innovative digital solutions that enhance user experiences and drive growth.

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